Skills Contest 2007
Premier India Football Academy organised the 3rd edition of their Skills Contest on 21 October 2007 at St Xavier’s, Parel ground.
409 participants tested their skills -Short Pass, Dribbling, Shooting, & Ball Control. 25 children qualified for the final round – the Lofted Pass test.
Past winners Ajay Kajania & Rolfred Couthino hold the record score of 800 points in 2005, Tejas Raut scored 770 points in 2006.
This year the record was broken by winner – Calvin Lobo (11) from Beacon High and a PIFA Student at the Bandra center with a fantastic score of 960 points. Runner up was Ajil Almeida (16) from Holy Cross Convent School with a score of 890 points. They both won a goodies bag from NIKE.
Dr Francis Saldhana, this year sponsored the top 10 children to participate at the PIFA International camp being held at Karnatak Sports from 3-6 November 2007.
Footballs sponsored by Nike